Epoch 29
{ 1271ad - 1662ad }
Massache of Native American Tribes
( 1540 - 1923 )
...from flooded mines to Steam engine
( 1606 - 1711 )
Gregorian calendar fix
( 1582 )
Massacre at Tenochtitlan
( Cortés )
( 1519 - 1521 )
Doctrine of Discovery - Papal Bull
( 1493 )
Columbus "discovers" America
( 1492 - 1502 )
( 1473 - 1543 )
War of the Roses
( 1455 - 1487 )
Sporer Minimum
( 1450 - 1550 )
Printing Press
( 1436 - 1480 )
The Black Death
( 1347 - 1351 )
Great Famine ( europe )
( 1315 - 1317 )
Wolf Minimum
( 1280 - 1350 )
William Wallace
( 1297 )
Late Dark Ages
( 9th - 15th century )
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