Transmission 14 received:
White Spectral Dog
Day 14
Good earth spin !
372 : 391 : 372 : 391
1461 : 1507
Infinity codes 888
12 & 13
19,000 years of peace
the missing piece
a Shard of truth
published 2016
* new discovery * 2018
372 : 391
= GISP2 ice cores
New magic item:
*left by the arcturian*
Ancient book
14th card = Temperance
( mixing of the 2 cups )
re:establish fields
... and so it is

372 : 391
1461 : 1507
*fractal pattern*
awaiting security clearance
Arkana List 7-14
the alchemy of the Mayan
and egyptian ( Kemet )
M - G ( J ) - K
( GISP2 )
Ice core samples cost
£25 million to produce
from Greenland
when climate trends up
= 372 yr cycle
when climate trends down
= 391 yr cycle
Giving thanks to
the ancestors
and moden science
for coming up with
same answers ... wow
pyramid peak
from ancient
Mayan & Kemet
point to Greenland
( the G )
M - G ( J ) - K
M a G (J) i K
"atlantis" found again once more
*ancient science
the falling Apple moment
(( proximity ))
*bond cycles* ?
where are those
Arcturians ?
... this is Captain
"Arcturian is...
highest security clearance
in the GALAXY"

Have more Fun
Pollute Less
Nature Rules !