Pyramids Valknut
by the power of 3 x 3 = 9 the pyramid cycles in time
We start today, focusing just on the significence of the smaller pyramid. The one that occupies the size of one of the 64 squares.
Like a little "on/off" switch, waiting to be clicked into position. What does that have to do with pyramid cycles in time?
Well during my last video series about the Oracle. One of the new Infinity codes received, was, the connection of the 372 and 391 cycles with the Saros cycle of eclipses.
These larger cycles are made up of 3 time pyramids Either... 391 : 372 : 391 = x64 saros Or... 372 : 391 : 372 : (+1) = x63 saros
* It also works for, Either... 3 x 372 (+2) = x62 saros Or... 3 x 391 (-1) = x65 saros
A Saros cycle being 18.03 yrs
18 years ( 18 x 365.24 ) = 6574.32 + 11 days = 6585.32
These are the cycles within the cycles another layer within the fractal of Nature that we live in...
Important to make this known now, today, before sharing the ratios of the pyramids, next set of 3 pages, of how they relate to the cycles of time and space
and all ancient codes of our ancestors from thousands of years ago
*Also I-ching 63 = "after completion" = Chi Chi 64 = "before completion" Wen Chi
Pyramids? *there are many many versions of their precise numbers * many have attempted to un-lock the mysteries of the pyramids * its good to remember that we are measuring what is left now after thousands of years
That being said, I have my own interpretation, through working with the time codes ...
More will be revealed as this process continues
* chess pieces as a mandala * photo (eco-forest 2003)
Grid in Books: John Michel - View over Atlantis David Furlong - Keys to the Temple